Traiesc intr-o tara in care vad aproape zilnic tineri band energizante pe strada, in bus, oriunde :)) Pentru mine este un adevarat fenomen. Probabil ca de aceea mi-a si atras atentia acest articol din FastCompany, citit intr-o dimineata in care mi-am baut ceaiul negru cu lapte, un adevarat ceai de tei comparativ cu "bombele energizante" :)) pe care le beau astia pe aici:))) Recunosc, ca in perioadele in care imi doream mai muuuulta energie (toti trecem prin perioade de genul asta, nu? :))) mi-am facut de cap cu Spirulina si B6 dar totusi...:))) Ulterior am aflat cum iti poti creste nivelul de energie si fara pastile ;)
unregulated supplements--the multivitamins, Red Bulls, and Five Hour Energy drinks of the world.
LabDoor, a startup in the latest class of health tech accelerator Rock Health, is attempting to shed some light on the market with a website and app that grades these unregulated products based on ingredients, efficacy, and safety. Think of it as the GoodGuide for supplements, though LabDoor is less focused on environmental issues.
The Truth About 5 Hour Energy, And All The Other Questionable Supplements You Take
Prescription medication sometimes comes with nasty side effects, but at least consumers can rest assured that the ingredients are well-regulated by the FDA; chances are, that Xanax isn’t laced with pesticides. And then there’s the $36 billion industry ofLabDoor, a startup in the latest class of health tech accelerator Rock Health, is attempting to shed some light on the market with a website and app that grades these unregulated products based on ingredients, efficacy, and safety. Think of it as the GoodGuide for supplements, though LabDoor is less focused on environmental issues.